Parents Of Murdered Children
Los Angeles Chapter

Grief does not just "go away" with time; you have to work through it. One of the most important things you can do is connect with a person or group with whom you can talk freely. One source of good listeners is the National Headquarters of Parents Of Murdered Children, Inc.®The National Staff is available to listen and assist you with specific problems. They can assist you with helpful resources and put you in contact with someone who understands what you are experiencing.
Eric Schlosser published an article in The Atlantic Monthly, September 1997 issue titled "A Grief Like No Other." For more information regarding this article, click here.
Benson Schaeffer, Ph.D. is the father of actress Rebbeca Schaeffer who was murdered July 18, 1989. He has written an article on "Overcoming Sleep Problems." To read this article, click here .
To read the article, "Grief - The Human Experience," click here.
Please contact the National POMC Headquarters for more information.